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Town Hall Structure Committee Meeting Minutes 1/20/15
Town Hall Structural Advisory Committee Minutes
January 20 2015
Attendance: Larry Klein, chair, Norma Champigny, Susan Gallant, Scott Jenssen, Bob Lazzarini, Muriel Lazzarini, Ray Tryon, Steve Weisz
Also in attendance: Melissa Noe, Don Torrico, Kenn Basler, Stanley Ross

Meeting called to order @ 4:04
1. Minutes from last week were reviewed. Muriel offered suggestions about mentioning her information shared from complaints she has heard, she would like them acknowdleged.  Susan took note of Muriel's suggestions and will add them to the minutes.   All in favor of accepting the meeting minutes after the adjustment.
2.  Melissa Noe mentioned that Barbara Gauthier has been reading the minutes and she would like to be interviewed by Scott or Ray in her home. She is not comfortable coming to the meeting.  Committee members agree that it would be valuable.  Because Ray has interviewed other previous employees, he will do the interview and take notes that are recorded.
3. Larry wanted to have an executive session called at the end of the meeting to share information from townspeople.   Discussion ensued between Larry and Melissa regarding the open meeting law and going into executive session.  The law was then read aloud by Larry.  The first document correlated with our intentions for executive session. If Melissa would like it to be open session it can.  Melissa felt that either way, she has a right to be here and have representation.  The committee feels that it should be discussed with the state or AG.  The committee agreed that speaking with the AG will most likely be the most reliable source.  If permission is granted, it must be posted 48 hours in advance.  The only time a signature would be needed is if it is done within 48 hours.  
4. Interview with Don Torrico, building inspector:
He described the town hall environment as having unprofessional issues of pettiness and he distances himself from it.  The administrative assistant helps his office with research, and organizing paperwork for files. He expressed that she has been very supportive and helpful as a member of his staff for the last 8 years.  He also shared that the select board has been responsive to needs that he has brought to their attention.  When asked if there are any improvements that could be made to help him do his job he shared that he had no complaints, that he has help when it's needed.  However, in regard to technical issues, if someone in the building can't fix something, there is a lag time in fixing it.  When the committee asked Don if he has issues with people he interacts with in the public he responded by saying sometimes. He shared that it is because his job is not a favorable one where there are rules and regulations he must follow. He stated that he feels Melissa's role is similar to his in the sense that she is asked to do the research for the select board, and therefore she is blamed for doing what she was asked to do.  Much like he is when he is following a code or bylaw.  Don does not believe the administrative secretary has overstepped her bounds when working for him.  Don would like to participate in continuing education and feels that the town hall could benefit from having this offered in a variety of areas.  
5. Interview with Kenn Basler, selectman:
When asked what he does as a member of the selectboard to problem solve he shared that people need to be careful about third party information.  He mentioned that the big issue is time.  If the selectboard isn't doing it, someone else has to do what isn't being done.  He shared his concerns about elected versus appointed positions.  He will be trying to push both   the treasurer's position and the clerk's position in the direction of being appointed versus elected.   In addition, the selectboard needs to be willing to take charge of the positions. When people are elected, there should be a forum where they can explain who they are, why they are running, and why they should get it.  He shared that the quality of the work that we get out of people in the town is impressive.  And yet we pay little attention to that. He believes that it will be important to look at the makeup of the town and its departments, divide them up and have a selectman responsible for that portion.  Then, feed that back to the selectboard at their meetings.  He admits there is a big question about time and how it's done.  Kenn shared his experience with offering an exit interview and agrees that it should be utilized in the town.  Kenn is suggesting that we look at the private sector and see who can help us accomplish minimize issues and share ideas for problem solving. The selectboard is open to ideas.

6. The idea of having a luncheon every quarter to find out what's going on in the departments would be beneficial and then in between meetings the selectboard should be responsibile for checking in on one quadrant of the town hall.  Scott shared that if any more responsibilities are going to be suggested to departments, then we may have to consider a town manager. Larry shared that because the selectboard can't always take on their responsibilities Melissa is forced to be the eyes and ears of the building which is where issues may begin between the departments.  Scott shared the selectboard should intervene and problem solve issues. Muriel shared that the demands from the state have been growing over the course of the last few years which is changing and increasing the responsibilities of all the jobs in the town hall.  Scott mentioned that the selectboard may request an increase in salary with the increase of hours and time to follow structural committee suggestions.

The next meeting will be Tuesday March 10th.

Meeting closed @ 6:00